Detect role the North Atlantic Oscillation in the formation of the temperature changes in Isfahan province

Document Type : Original Article


M.A. ,payame noor, Iran


Teleconnection is feature the climate on a global scale. Teleconnection patterns represents a major change that occur in the pattern of atmospheric and jet streams waves and influence on the pattern of temperature, precipitation, storm track and location and intensity jet stream in the vast realms. present study has been done with aim investigate the effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation index to series temperature in Isfahan province. In this context, was used minimum temperature, maximum temperature and average temperature of 21 synoptic and climatology stations inside and outside the province and standard monthly North Atlantic Oscillation index during the period 1961-2010. The first became data studied each parameter data by programming with pixel dimensions of 5 × 5 km. Respectively the 4260 pixels in Isfahan province,. Finally, survey was conducted. relationship between the pixels of each month and the North Atlantic Oscillation index using the linear regression. The results indicate that the effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation index over the series temperature of Isfahan province in the cold months of the year was higher than other months. In March has been affected more than other months the index with an series temperature with coefficient of determination of 21.8. It is was observed significant correlations occurred between 95 and 99%. The maximum temperature in March and the average temperature in July had inverse correlation than other months and had direct correlation the other months.


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